
The Friday wrap-up

  • These photos of Paris, from 1957, fill me with a strong desire to time travel back to Paris in 1957.

  • On Everything is Fine this week, Jenn and I are critiquing Babygirl without the benefit of having seen it, and we’re also talking about our worst-ever celebrity encounters, and so much more, so please do tune in.

  • As somebody on one of my social media feeds remarked, there aren’t enough trigger warnings in the world to apply to this truly shocking piece in New York magazine about the multiple sexual assault accusations against author Neil Gaiman. He comes off horridly, as does his ex-wife, Amanda Palmer. What a mess, and how horrible for all the brave women who told their stories. Also, what an awesomely well-reported piece. Here’s a short version of the story, from Variety.

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